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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Biblical and Pastoral Studies

Your pathway to a successful ministry starts here.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Biblical and Pastoral Studies

The BA in Biblical and Pastoral Studies is an academic and practical degree, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required for preparation in ministry. The curriculum delivers a fusion of rich historical theology, ancient languages, culture, ethics and contemporary methods of application to serve Christ in a modern world.

Newbold’s comprehensive training with equip you with:

  • A deep knowledge of Scripture, an understanding of the Church’s history and mission.
  • Pastoral skills that are pertinent to the modern, real world.
  • Vocational skills relating to pastoral and evangelistic ministry.
  • A deeper understanding of the Bible, and the ability to use this knowledge to apply Biblical truths to relevant issues facing Christianity and the Church today.
  • First-hand experience in areas such as pastoral ministry, psychology in ministry, evangelism and discipleship.
  • Valued transferable skills that will stand out to future employers.
Course details
Programme: Undergraduate
Course length: 3 years

Mode of study: Full-time or part-time

Mode of delivery: On-campus*

*with exceptions to be discussed

Course tuition for academic year 2025/26: £8,293

Tuition for the academic year for undergraduate students from within the UK, or who are considered Home students. For more details visit our Tuition and Fees page.
Intake: 1 September 2025
Application deadline: 8 August 2025
Validated by: University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UK)
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About the programme Discover the enriching experience of our BA in Biblical and Pastoral Studies programme through the voices of students and professors. Meet Georgie Theology for seekers, thinkers and explorers. Meet William Life Journey with William Meet Adam Pursue the path of ministry Life journey with Andre Answering God's call together
Comprehensive preparation
The Biblical and Pastoral Studies degree blends a profound study of the Bible with essential practical ministry experience under the support of passionate academic staff.

Year One
If you plan to complete the degree in three years, this year will be your entry point. You will be introduced to every area of biblical, theological and pastoral studies through a range of tailored modules that are designated Level 4 in the UK higher education system.
  • Historical and Cultural Background of the Bible (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge and explain the historical setting of the Old Testament and Graeco-Roman cultures, identifying early Christian responses to pagan, philosophical, and beliefs and practices from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Historical Context of Christian Theology & Mission I (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge of Christian theology as a discipline, biblical grounds for the formation of Christian beliefs, and the impact of western philosophy on Christian theology and societal thinking.
  • Cross-Cultural Ministry (10 credits)
    Develop a theoretical and theological foundation to the practice of cross-cultural ministry through a historical and contemporary study of cultural contexts in which Christian mission takes place in Western Europe.
  • Introduction to Greek (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge and develop the ability to translate introductory text from New Testament Greek into English, using linguistic and lexical resources to explain grammar, syntax and vocabulary.
  • Gospels (10 credits)
    Apply exegetical principles to the canonical Gospels as historical and theological documents and as sources of information on Jesus’s life and teachings, understanding the relationship between the three synoptic gospels.
  • Pentateuch (10 credits)
    Develop an understanding and capacity to discuss the historical and cultural context of the Pentateuch and its genres, undertaking close readings of the text from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Ministry in Context (20 credits)
    A provision of opportunities to reflect on ministry during supervised pastoral placements, with complementary studies on the competing belief systems of major faith communities and their challenges to Christian ministry.
  • Intermediate Greek (10 credits)
    Develop skills to translate seen/unseen New Testament text, applying exegetical principles to the canonical Gospels as historical and theological documents and as sources of information on Jesus’s life and teachings.

Year Two
Year two will see you delve into the art of learning Biblical Hebrew, studying prophetic texts of the Old Testament, and receiving contemporary practical guidance on biblical leadership, evangelism and Church growth. The modules listed are designated Level 5 in the UK higher education system.
  • Epistles (10 credits)
    Analyse issues of authorship, dating, composition, literary style, and interpreting the Pauline Epistles, their position within an early Christian context and their impact, critically evaluating from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Historical Context of Christian Theology & Mission II (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge of theology and Christian thought during the Reformation, examining biblical authority, soteriology and ecclesiology, the influence of Ellen G. White, and implications for Adventist identity and mission.
  • Pastoral Ministry (20 credits)
    Preparatory studies, developing competencies for church leadership, execution of administrative tasks, carrying out pastoral care, teaching from the Bible, and applying homiletic theory to sermon construction, preparation and delivery.
  • Introduction to Hebrew (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge and develop the ability to translate introductory text from Hebrew to English, using linguistic and lexical resources to explain grammar, syntax and vocabulary found in biblical Hebrew.
  • Old Testament Writings (10 credits)
    Acquire knowledge of the historical and cultural context of the Writings and their genres, applying basic narrative criticism and undertaking close readings of the text from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Religion & Ethics in Contemporary Society (10 credits)
    Develop an understanding of contemporary moral theories, their principles, significance, and consequences on life in general and pastoral situations, with critical evaluation of moral approaches in selected biblical texts.
  • Contemporary Evangelism & Discipleship (20 credits)
    Preparatory studies, developing an understanding of personal evangelism, discipleship and outreach, evaluating contemporary approaches to evangelism, and addressing popular issues such as naturalism, supernaturalism, and God's existence.
  • Intermediate Hebrew (10 credits)
    Develop skills to translate seen and unseen Hebrew text from the Old Testament prophetic books, using biblical software to enhance the translation process and demonstrate intermediate-level knowledge of Hebrew syntax.

Year Three
Your third year will be centred around writing a 12,000 Bachelor’s thesis across the autumn and spring semesters. Seventh-day Adventist theology, pastoral care and discipleship will also feature, and modules covered are designated Level 6 in the UK higher education system.
  • Acts (10 credits)
    Analyse issues of authorship, dating, composition, literary style, and interpreting Acts within an early Christian context, deepening comprehension of exegesis with critical evaluation from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Old Testament Prophets (10 credits)
    Acquire an understanding of the phenomenon of Old Testament Prophecy – message, form and background – and engage in an informed exegesis of the Hebrew prophets from an Adventist hermeneutical perspective.
  • Seventh-day Adventist Theology in Context (20 credits)
    Develop an understanding of the history, development, and theological roots of Adventist beliefs and doctrines with critical evaluation of doctrinal issues, the impact of fundamentalism, post-1920s, and subsequent trends, post-1956.
  • Daniel & Revelation (20 credits)
    Undertake exegesis, translating selected portions of Daniel and Revelation, developing the ability to read, assess the significance and critically evaluate Old and New Testament apocalyptic literature from an Adventist perspective.
  • Themes in Biblical Theology (20 credits)
    Acquire knowledge of key aspects of biblical theology in the larger field of biblical, theological and pastoral studies, using established analysis techniques and enquiry within the biblical theology discipline.
  • Pastoral Psychology & Counselling (10 credits)
    Develop the ability to critically appraise the biblical understanding of the human experience and the Christian approach to pastoral care, emphasising various disciplines within psychology, psychotherapy and counselling practice.
  • Ministry Placement (10 credits)
    A concurrent supervised pastoral placement to develop pastoral skills and perform pastoral duties competently, taking opportunities to review and reflect on experiences during the two-year assignment.
  • Dissertation (20 credits)
    A 6,000-word research paper on a biblical, theological or pastoral field topic, demonstrating the ability to understand key aspects of the chosen area of study and well-developed analysis.

    BA Timetables and Handbook 

    The BA (Hons) in Biblical and Pastoral Studies will open the door to several pathways including:
    Further academic studies
    Intercultural mission
    Your campus experience
    • Courses that are shaped with mindful intention to serve as gateways to ministry in its various forms.
    • An intimate class setting, granting you 1:1 access to leading academic staff who are devoted to enriching your ministry, your life and your spiritual development
    • Daily campus fellowship through student programmes curated to evoke inspirational gathering and the meeting of similar minds.
    • Immersive yet subconscious forms of learning and worship that is interlaced into the everyday across academia and student life – it is those late-night dorm conversations, the sharing of perspectives across the halls that will shape you for life
    Frequently asked questions
    Apply today
    Our admissions team are ready to help you answer your calling and answer any questions you may have along the way.
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    Meet our academic staff
    Learn more about our resident lecturers, their specialist areas and backgrounds. Our academic staff are devoted to preparing you for a lifelong role in ministry.
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