12 Oct – 12 Oct
7:30 pm
Zoom Webinar
Online 2021 Beach Lecture - an invitation
Online 2021 Beach Lecture: Exploring faith and community through Christian-muslim dialogue
The Diversity Centre Team would like to invite you to the 2021 Beach Lecture.
Semester theme: Urban Religious Diversity
- Hassan Rabbani – Muslim chaplain, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh)
- Lia Shimada –Senior Researcher for the Susanna Wesley Foundation and Associate Chaplain of Whitelands College, University of Roehampton
Time and place: 19:30 (BST), Zoom Webinar
Inter-faith dialogue at grassroots level is vital to the building of a peaceful world. This year’s Beach Lecture will feature a Christian and a Muslim leader talking about what they have learned in their own experiences of inter-faith community-building and the effects of inter-faith dialogue on their own religious commitment. Each of them contributed to a recent book, edited by Dr Shimada – Mapping Faith: Theologies of Migration and Communitywhich was published last year by Jessica Kingsley.
Discounts on the purchase of the book will be available to those who register for the lecture
An interactive Q&A will follow the lecture – please note, only registrants to the webinar will be able to submit their questions.
We look forward to seeing you!
Register to attend