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A blogger on a mission of service

Douglas Gausi shares his story about his journey to Newbold and his love for ministry and mission.

Blogger Douglas Gausi, from Nottingham, is a man on a mission to make the Word of God appealing to non-Christians and young people. He joined the latest cohort of One Year in Mission and Service students after receiving a text message from a friend about the course in 2021.

“My friend Ethan sent a text message, while I was at work, to tell me about the One Year in Mission and Service programme at Newbold, and I thought, ‘that sounds good!’ I called Pastor Dejan, the Trans-European Division’s Youth Director, and asked a few questions. The things he told me sounded amazing, so I applied for the course, but then I forgot about it after relapsing into my work routine,” said Douglas. “One day, I remember looking at my journal and seeing something I wrote: ‘I’m doing the One Year in Mission and Service course next year!’ Soon after, I received an email saying ‘you have been accepted on the course’.

“I was in two minds whether to carry on working or choosing to come to Newbold, but I decided I had more to lose by not coming to Newbold. I believe God has called me to full-time ministry, and I want to serve him and enjoy serving him. He’s done so much for me. All my learning and growth has come from serving, seeing people receive God and the changes that he brings to their lives. I love working with people, sitting down and talking to them and getting to know who they are and understanding them, and that’s what ministry is about for me.

“It feels great to be here at Newbold. I’m learning a lot, and I’m trying to soak up as much information as I can. All the One Year in Mission and Service and theology students are from different cultures and backgrounds and have done other things. I need to know how people think, so meeting all these people broadens my understanding of how people think, which is crucial for my ministry.

“God is getting me to think about what I will do next. The One Year in Mission and Service course makes me think about what God is calling me to do. Each class I attend is challenging me to consider going into ministry.”

Douglas has never been on a mission trip, but he is enthusiastic about the next stage of the course, serving with ADRA or the Adventist Volunteer Service at a ‘yet to be revealed location’. “I’m looking forward to the mission trip because there are opportunities out there that I would like to get involved in,” said Douglas. “I want to be out of my comfort zone because I think that’s the perfect place to learn and grow.”

If you’re considering studying at Newbold, or if you’d just like to connect with Douglas, get in touch!

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Douglas Gausi

One Year in Mission and Service Student

Douglas Gausi, originally from Zambia, has a passion for sharing Jesus with others. He loves getting to know people and enjoys listening to stories about the experiences that made them who they are today. Douglas likes to read, blog, create online content, and jog in his spare time.

Connect with Douglas directly at: [email protected]

If you’d like to learn more about our One Year in Mission and Service course contact us at [email protected]