Newbold Celebrates Academic Success of 45 Graduates
Newbold Celebrates Academic Success of 45 Graduates
Newbold College of Higher Education had their annual awards ceremony on Sunday 14 July. In the packed auditorium in Salisbury Hall, the scene was set for the recognition of up to 45 graduates who had successfully completed the requirements for their area of matriculation.
Principal Dr John Baildam in his welcome and opening remarks commented on the report of the external examiners. From one of the external examiners was a glowing report in which the adjudicator thanked the commitment and quality of Newbold’s high quality of teaching and the Bachelor’s and Master’s dissertations…
“I have absolutely no doubt that Newbold will continue to maintain a gold standard for teaching biblical studies in this country,” he said.
Guests in attendance included the Deputy Mayor of Bracknell Forest – Councillor Ash Merry who gave greetings and Dr Daniel Duda, Director of Education, Trans-European Division, who gave the charge to the graduating students and prayer of dedication.
The guest speaker was Mrs Judy Clements, OBE (Governor of the College) who spoke on the topic ‘Facing the Future Without Fear’. Quoting from the late Sir Winston Churchill in one of his speeches, Judy re-emphasised the important asset of perseverance, “never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small… except for convictions and honour and good sense.” She urged candidates not just to never give in, but as they move on to the next realm of academic and personal development considering the political and digital age in which we live, to ‘go forward’ and face with confidence the issues that confront and affects our very existence.
With up to 45 graduates successfully completing their studies including the BSc in Business Studies, the BA in Biblical and Pastoral Studies, and the MA in Leadership and MA Theology, the day reflected an atmosphere of jubilance. With graduands representing up to 20 different countries, the diverse display reflected the cultural diversity that Newbold College of Higher Education provides that caters for social and spiritual integration.
The full graduation service can be seen here, and an album of images is available here.
Richard Daly
British Union Conference