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OYiMS – the last spaces remaining!

There are only a couple of spaces remaining on the One Year in Mission and Service (OYiMS) course, apply now!

Here at Newbold, the One Year in Mission and Service course is renowned. This relaunched course specifically created for students that live within countries of the Trans-European Division, is the answer for individuals seeking to make a difference in the world through the gospel.

“The feeling of insecurity that I arrived with has been transformed into a certainty that everybody has something to contribute to this crazy and chaotic world that is home to all of us. I have discovered a whole new way in which I can love my fellow human beings.”
– Cecile Kalvåg, Volunteered at a refugee camp in Serbia

The benefit of a blended course curriculum that comprises of theoretical training and practical, hands-on experience provides the opportunity to apply and practice knowledge in a real-world context.  On this course journey, students will:

  • Build a firm foundation of biblical knowledge and learn the theory behind mission work
  • Learn from leaders in the field through interactive workshops and mentorship
  • Develop a deeper understanding of cultural diversity, anthropology and issues faced by different cultures interacting in a ministerial context
  • Apply knowledge with a guaranteed placement in the mission field through ADRA Europe of the Adventist Volunteering Service

This is a one-year, full-time course that will start on Newbold’s campus, followed by a mission field trip that may take place abroad. It is an experience that will see you looking at the world through a wider lense, with an enhanced understanding of Scripture, pastoral studies and international culture.

There are full scholarships available for eligible students who enrol in this programme and commit to a mission project following 3-months on campus.

Embark on a journey that will change your life and lives around you.

Learn more and apply now