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The Mindful Edit – An introduction

Your mindful thought for the week.

Welcome to the first post as part of our new online series: ‘The Mindful Edit.’

In times such as these, we believe it is so important to remain positive, hopeful, to spark conversation, and to stay connected with each other. ‘The Mindful Edit’ is a weekly initiative that will offer thoughts and tips to encourage wellness mentally, emotionally and physically. This curated content will be written by Alastair Agbaje (our Chaplain) and other guests. Alastair shares the first thought of this series:


The last two weeks have been unprecedented and extremely challenging for us all, with having to make necessary changes and lifestyle adjustments due to the coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic.

Newbold College continues to remain operational, even though we are not physically on campus. Most of our programmess continue, business as usual.

A friend shared this picture with me via social media.

It really made me smile, and encouraged me to reflect on the chaotic experience we are we’re all having to embrace, somehow. I was inspired to read these words of assurance found in Isaiah 26:3:

“Those of steadfast mind, you keep in peace, in peace because they trust in you”

To be steadfast is defined to be firm, unwavering, resolute and calm. I pray as we all reflect on our lifes this week, that we can feel encouraged by these words. Let us remain calm and positive, and continue to look and immerse ourselves in the opportunities there are to connect in creative ways with our communities.


Starting from next week, our Newbold College Campus Ministries team will be launching a new online virtual Campus Ministries, starting on Thursday 2 April 2020,18:30 GMT with The Experience – where Kart Lazic will be guest speaker. Most of our programmes will continue for the remainder of this semester. We will be able to share a new timetable of all the Campus Ministry programmes very soon.

Thank you for all who have managed to join our online prayer and praise meetings over the last two weeks. This programme will continue every Wednesday at 19:00 GMT (keep an eye on our ‘latest news and events’ section on our website homepage, for details on how you can join in).

Finally, let us all remember to keep calm, reflect and look for positive ways to connect with our community.

God bless,
