The Roundup – Episode 17
A collective of ideas to inspire you, each and every week.
At Newbold, we believe in the power of Monday motivation.
It’s been a toughie, but the end is in sight. You’ve done it – you have come up against the challenges of 2020 time and time again, and yet you’re here. You’ve done it! We are so proud of you.
On to the final mission of your academic year: examination season. It isn’t the easiest, and we understand that exams and assignments can feel overwhelming, busy, stressful. But we’re here for you – you’re in our thoughts, our prayers. We feel lucky to make up a part of your support system.
We have a few pointers for you too. Let’s take a closer look at the do’s and the don’ts…
And finally, as they say in the world of performing arts: “break a leg!”*
*but please, please don’t…
Do NOT: start Spring cleaning early. In other words: Put. Those. Marigolds. Down.
If only there were examinations on the art of procrastination - we'd all score an A*. Somehow, each and every one of us seems to have this ability to find just about anything other than exam or assignment preparation interesting at the wrong moment. Now, we're all for a hand sanitisation and a wipe down of the handles and surfaces - it is 2020 after all. But - get that prep done. You won't regret it!
Do NOT: Tidy up your digital files
As satisfying as a neat and tidy desktop may be. And as fun as it is to choose that all-important desktop screensaver. And as MUCH as filing your photos into their respective folders is head-clearing. Save it for a rainy day outside of exam season. You know we're right on this one.
Do NOT: Attempt a new breath-holding world record
You know as well as we do that this is taking 10 steps too far.
Watch this TED Talk
Think you know procrastination? Meet Tim Urban.
“Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn’t make sense, but he’s never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what we’re really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.”
PS. we advise watching this after your exams, alright?!

Do: Give your brain a break - and feed it too.
During this time, you will need to take a few breaks (ahem, responsibly though). From distanced walks with a friend, to calling a loved one, playing a video game, doing some exercise, inhaling fresh air, listening to some escapism music. These are all great ones. But your brain needs feeding too - classic brain nutrition includes: nuts, avocado, eggs, citrus fruit, black chocolate, berries. There's more too - top tips below.
Do: Listen to this corker of a tune.
A little something from us, to you. ♫