The Roundup – Episode 27
A collective of ideas to inspire you, each and every week.
At Newbold, we believe in the power of Monday motivation.
“Ignorance is bliss” – it’s a saying we all know and in many ways it feels true!
When someone might say something behind your back, ignorance is bliss because finding out what it is they do say will affect you. Or, let’s say you have a moment of thinking “let’s go experimental” and decide mix Coco-Cola with a yoghurt to see what it might taste like, well, ignorance is definitely bliss in this case because it may affect you in a whole variety of ways you probably won’t enjoy…
However. Jesus said ‘you will know the truth and the truth will set you free’ – so actually whilst ignorance can be bliss, often it only serves as one purpose which is to maintain an illusion that we might have about ourselves and the wider world around us.
A life skill that Danilo finds particularly helpful with this is “reflective practice” – which simply means to think and reflect on the things he does. Reflection doesn’t mean that the focus has to be entirely negative – it means that you can look at something from all angles to assess what went well, but also what could be improved. Ignorance may seem like bliss, but actually the truth does set us free when we’re ready to face it and act upon it.
Life skill: Reflective Practise
Your challenge this week - set yourself at least one reflective task. It may be on your academic work, your interaction with a friend, a skill that you're developing or something else.
Book of the week:
"Man: The Dwelling place of God" by A.W Tozer
“In this book entitled, Man: The Dwelling Place of God, Tozer reveals what it truly means to have Christ within us. Leaving your old life behind, understanding the Bible, making moral choices, loving God for Himself, christian Fellowship, and much more!”
This title is ideal if you’re currently on the hunt for a new morning devotional – it’s full of Tozer’s inspiring stories and sermons that in turn open a door for you to really contemplate the notion of reflection.

Song of the week:
"Is he Worthy?" by Chris Tomlin
Danilo has found this Chris Tomlin track to be a great addition to his personal devotional time.
“Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honour and glory
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is!”

Foodie tip: Spinach
Creamy, cheesy, irony goodness. This classic recipe makes the perfect accompaniment to any lunchtime or dinner meal. You'll never look at these leafy greens the same way again - bon apetit!