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The Roundup – Episode 30

A collective of ideas to inspire you, each and every week.

At Newbold, we believe in the power of Monday motivation.

This may be new news to some or old news to others – but Campus Ministries fairly recently launched a new programme entitled “Inspiration4Ministry” in podcast and video format, that sees Danilo virtually sitting down with inspiring individuals within ministry who tell their story. If you’d like to catch up on previous episodes, please visit the page here.

Why is Danilo mentioning this programme this week? Well, firstly, it has been an incredible experience for him personally to hear the joys, frustrations, ideas and stories of these individuals in raw form – how each person’s journey has been shaped by sharing the love of God in very unique ways and circumstances.

But as time has passed he’s come to realise that there is one absolute connection between each and every conversation, and that is the notion of ideals.

When someone feels a calling to do something, they answer because they can’t resist it, and they pursue it in the best way that they can – it could be a calling to study theology, history, psychology, it could be in volunteer work, in fixing things, in building things. A lot of people choose to do something throughout their lives because of certain ideals.

So, for pastors, there can be a challenge – what do you do when you’re faced with a different reality? A reality that doesn’t match the ideals that you have in your mind and heart? Do you change these ideals or do something else? It’s an interesting concept and relevant to anyone, not just pastors! If this intrigues you then please do check out our Inspiration4Ministry programme!

This week Danilo highlights one of our podcast guests, Pastor Marcos Torres with his ‘podinars’ and his books – see below for more details!


The Story Church Project

Discover Pastor Marcos’s podcast that looks at ministry and the challenge of reaching for the ideals we have. It explores #adventism for a post-church generation – really interesting.

Explore The Story Church Project

Book of the week:

"The Road" by Marcos Torres

Written to serve as a “new bible study targeting millennial”, Danilo has really enjoyed this published book and thinks the material is brilliant – particularly for university students.

Buy the book