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Top 5 worries you might have about going to college (and why you don’t need to worry!)

Coming to college is an unfamiliar, apprehensive, and perhaps even nerve-wracking journey. This may be your first step into a life of independence away from home, or it may be that you are studying for a postgraduate degree at a new institution.

You may be excited at the prospect of applying and taking a new path in your life, but also a little uneasy at the same time. This is normal, this is natural.

We’ve put together some of the most common worries that prospective students share with us before applying and hope that our answers may provide you with some comfort and reassurance.


“I won’t make any friends”

This is one of the most ‘popular’ worries that students face. Our campus is intimate, serving as a quiet and cosy home from home. The size of our base lends itself to social opportunities that are both interactive and easily accessible to all.

Throughout each academic year, our Student Life and Chaplaincy teams offer a wide range of student-driven services that offer a close community setting through spiritual and social programmes that inspire, every week. Our Head of Student life and Chaplain is always on call to support you throughout your journey here at Newbold.

Top tip: Without a doubt, the best way to interact with peers is to make the most of the Enrolment and Induction week at the start of the academic year, with dedicated planned activities and socials with the sole purpose of introducing you to one another. It is this week that makes a huge impact on the lifelong relationships formed at the College.


“I’m going to run out of money”

Another common worry is money. As part of making this transition into student life, it can feel daunting to manage your finances both educationally and personally.

We offer a range of scholarships and you may be entitled to one. If you haven’t seen our dedicated tuition and fees page, please visit this page which features all the information you need to know – including a link to our scholarships page, our recently published Financial Booklet, UK student loan support, and international funding information.

Tuition and Fees

There may be part-time positions available on campus once the semester starts, and the surrounding areas of Binfield and particularly Bracknell promote a variety of flexible and part-time roles that could work in harmony with your studies.

Top tip: Why not book a 1:1 call with our Student Finance team as a starting point? Ease your worries with dedicated on-hand support.


“I’m nervous I’ll fall behind in class if I don’t understand something”

This worry is understandable, particularly if Theology is a new subject for you. The idea of studying scripture in-depth, alongside ancient languages, ethics, and more can seem daunting, especially if there isn’t a clear area that you would like to specialise in. This does come with time and experience.

Whether you are having to study remotely, or on-campus, 1:1 tutorial support from your lecturers is always available – it may be recommended to you, or you can simply ask for this extra support. It is so important that you seek help or advice when you feel you need it.

We as a College collective pray that every student thrives in their studies, so communication is so important – whether with your classmates, your lecturers, or other support staff that are committed to helping you.

Our classes are small in size compared to other educational institutions which will only serve as an advantage to you – you will receive the fundamental guidance throughout each year of study.

Top tip: Why not book a remote call with student support to talk through your concerns today! This could be about a specific module or topic, or advice on time and study management ahead of the start of the autumn semester?


“I worry that my relationship with God won’t develop if I’m focused on academia”

We have a devoted Campus Ministries department that organises several spiritual socials and gatherings throughout the semester, including a Week of Spiritual Emphasis that sees a guest speaker engage in a specific topic or biblical verse/theme for an entire week, Instagram-led devotionals by students and alumni, Experience and Vespers evenings and more.

Spirituality here isn’t just lived through organised programmes and worship, it’s in our every day and it’s who we are. We believe that praise takes any form – from quiet corridor prayer to sharing spiritual ideas, exploring spirituality through different cultures, and meeting similar minds.

Our dedicated Chaplain is on campus to ensure that each student is given the space as well as the encouragement to grow in faith and develop a deep and enriching relationship with God, throughout their time here and beyond.

Top tip: You can book a 1:1 call with our Chaplain, Danilo Puskas, to explore Newbold’s ethos and spirituality further!


“I want to study Theology but I’m not sure about my career”

“But what do I do with my Theology degree? I don’t know if I want to be a Pastor…”

When a student considers studying Theology, this is probably THE question they ask themselves.

And the answer is, you don’t have to decide this now.

Our undergraduate programmes serve as foundational stepping stones whilst benefitting from our experiential modules led by staff who have real-world pastoral experience. Our MA in Theology offers three pathways that may offer clarity for the road ahead.

The most important thing, for now, is that whilst at college, you can gain important life experience, explore your interest areas and Theology and build relationships for life.

Top tip: To take the first step in answering your call, take a look at our selection of programmes and discover what truly resonates with you.

Our Courses

Now what?

If you’d like to book any of the above 1:1 calls or contact us to explore any other thoughts that you have, please say hello today!

Troy is our Student Recruitment Officer and your first port of call. He’s as happy and helpful as he looks and would love to hear from you.

Get in touch